Hong Kong 2007 (Part 3 of 7)
Day 3Shopping along Nathan Road and Gimik Night
Let's just say we started shopping around 2 in the afternoon. We were just too tired from all the walking we did at Disneyland the day before that we thought we needed a little rest. This day was way much more walking than in what we walked in Disneyland. After walking along the long stretch of Nathan Road for about 6 hours, resting only when we want to try on shoe sizes, we finally had our late dinner at Mcdonalds in Harbour City at around 9PM.
We needed to hurry because our cousin Kuya Dean will meet us at 10PM at a club for night out in HK.
Gimik Night
Getting Lost and A Looooooooooooooooong Walk
We had to find a club named Sticky Fingers. Our cousin will meet us there. After dinner, our adventure began... We started walking again around 9:30PM, we got lost on our way there, no one could understand us when we ask for directions, worst was, the only roaming line that we had was mine and all the phones that we had had low batteries. We found the place around 12MN, we just walked from that Mcdonald's place to about the border of Tsim Tsa Tsui and Hunghom.

The reward for me here is that I wanted to drink a LOT of alcohol, I needed my legs to feel wobbly from all that walking. Thank goodness it worked! I was my old jolly self having consumed 4 bottles of the yummy thirst-quenching Smirnoff Ice in about an hour. The price I paid for that happy hour was another walk to Hunghom from that bar. It was another 45 minutes of walk before we reached the condo. Wah!!! But because I was in my old jolly drunkard self, I kept them entertained along the way, taking pics para di naman boring at cranky!
In short, what we did on Day 3 in HK was WALK, WALK, WALK and WALK!!!! I swear my legs and feet needed a good spa after this day and night!
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