Monday, February 20, 2006

Blast from the past

After coming home at 4am from our gimik that night, and only having 3 hours of sleep, I took my nieces and nephew to the Elementary school (CSA Makati) that I went to when I was little. My niece, who is going there will have a field demo in the school's Annual Fair. It's been a long time since I stepped foot in that 'ol school of mine. 10 years to be exact.

When we got there, all the memories from that school came rushing back to me, which is a good thing mind you! hehehe This proves that I'm not getting forgetful like what my cousins are telling me. A lot has changed since I went there, all the classrooms are air-conditioned now, there are gates everywhere too and the school theater has been renovated into a futuristic kind of theater. hehehe I wonder how much the parents of the school paid for the renovation of the theater.

Of course, when there are changes, there are also things that didn't change in my old school, like the chapel is still what it looks like, the covered courts, the enormous field, the gym and most especially the teachers and staff that I've always seen everyday of my life when I was still going there. We all have older faces now I guess. It's been 10 years and most of my teachers are still there, elementary and high school! I wanted to greet them, but I hesitated, they probably don't remember me at all since I was just another quiet kid that just kinda blended in with the crowd in those days. Oh well, maybe that's also one of the reasons I haven't visited this alma mater of mine in a long time. Lots of memories.. good and bad... But now, I guess I'm over those things now, because I went to see my school. All is forgotten now, and a long time ago, I said to myself that if ever I will have children of my own, I will not let them go to this school of mine because of the changes that happened when I was still going there.

But now, after experiencing CSA Makati after 10 years, it's different. And besides, my niece is having lots of fun in this school, I guess your views change when you see the different side of the picture. So we'll see when I have kids, if CSA is still the right school for them. I want my kids to have the best education in town and during my time, it was the best education I had.

For curious readers that went to CSA Makati, I would just like to let you know that, YES, Father Rodriguez is still there and still is the Principal of the Elementary School and Dra. Ronquillo is still the Vice-Principal and Aling Clara is still there also, but now calls herself, Nanay Clara. hehehe I wonder if my kids will still see them if ever they go there someday. One wish though for the school, remove those gates! There are damn too much gates there. It's like a prison cell with all those around.


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