I'm officially a RENTHEAD

Doths and I watched Rent: The Movie last night. We've been meaning to watch this movie for quite awhile now. It was just only now that it's being shown here so we watched it when we had a chance. We could've watched this in our own PCs or in DVD, but we opted to watch it in a moviehouse where the speakers are good for a musical. What a good decision it was. I will so rave this movie! It S-O R-O-C-K-S! I love musicals!!! I love every character in this movie, the barkada of Mark, Roger, Mimi, Collins, Angel, Joanne, 'Tango' Maureen and even Benny! This just further enhanced my love for the song "Seasons of Love." While hearing this song during the movie, it brought back lots of good memories and feelings from my LEAP. If I sang this song during LEAP, I'm sure I would've enrolled everybody. hehehe Right, fellow Leapers? *wink*wink* I got teary-eyed in one scene, but I just cannot, for the life of me, get serious whenever Mimi's name was mentioned, it always reminded of my previous boss and that funny character in The Drew Carey Show. It made some of the romantic scenes involving Roger and Mimi quite funny for me that I always end up snickering or grinning.
Anywayz, Rent is a new age musical applicable to our times. Now, I wish I could watch the Live Broadway Musical of this. That would be a blast! Just hearing and seeing the song SEASONS OF LOVE being sung LIVE would be a chilling and thrilling experience for me, if this will ever happen in my lifetime. Hay... I also regret missing the local production of this musical a couple of years ago. Bummer!
But like what the memorable Rent quotables says:
(1) Forget regret, or life is yours to miss
(2) No day but today
(3) Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care? Will I wake tomorow, from this nightmare?
(4) Let's celebrate, remember a year in the life of friends
(5) Measure your life in love
Hard. But I will surely try.
**Oh BTW, if you get a chance to watch the Last Full Show of this movie in Greenbelt 3, the RENTHEADS, this is what they call the "Rent enthusiasts", can join in the singing while the movie is playing! Cool right?! hehehe Imagine the whole audience joining in the singing.. with feelings!!! Lots of popcorn are sure gonna fly. ;-D** Aaaaaaaaahhhhooooooooooooouuuuuut tonight!
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