The Richmonde Hotel (TRH), Ortigas, Manila3:00 PM - picked up Nikki and Oyo at their house, and a few minutes after, fetched Beng, the "RP" Beng was still sleepy that she didn't understand my text that we were already in front of her "condo" (hehehe) waiting for her. tsk tsk tsk She went to Nikks place. Bought pichi-pichi at Amber too.
4:00 PM - Arrived the The Richmonde Hotel, checked-in to our room and relaxed for awhile. Met Nikki's good friend Karen, who also was having a party beside our room. Neat! The room was nice! You have a view of San Miguel Ave., you could see EDSA, the MRT, The Shangrila, MegaMall and Lourdes School's swimming pool. At first I thought that was the hotel's swimming pool (hehehe), and I thought, "Why do you have to cross the street to get to the swimming pool?". Doh! Me and my funny thoughts. hehehe TRH has an indoor swimming pool pala. Neato!
5:00 PM - Nikks, Beng and I went to MegaMall to buy lots of liquor and junk food to help attain blissfulness and a blasted hangover thereafter.
6:00 PM - Went back to the room to get a little rest and waited for the others to arrive. Played with Oyo for awhile also. Mwahahahahaha I didn't make Oyo cry. teehee
7:00 PM - Still in the hotel resting, waiting, playing.
8:00 PM - Went to Dencio's, Metrowalk to have our dinner. The table we reserved was already given away because there was only a 15 minute wait for the reservation. This little detail they forgot to tell us, so we had to wait for a table. Yes, we waited and we waited for about an hour and a half to get a table!!! We were all so hungry and pissed at the person responsible for getting us a table because it was taking too long. First, they didn't bother to tell us that there was only a 15 minute wait for a reserved table and second, waiting for a table was taking toooooo long. Oyo was getting restless too. I almost made him cry.
9:00 PM - Still waiting... Counting BMWs passing by. Took pictures. Talked to Cuzin Boyette on updates on his life.

10:00 PM - We finally got a table and eat dinner. Silence for one hour. All you'll hear are munching and the clatter of spoon and fork; no conversations either. Oyo dozed off while we were eating.

11:00 PM - Full and satisfied, we went back to the hotel to start the bliss. We sang, drank, laughed, and partied. Felt like rock stars that flipping the sofas and chairs was a trip, especially when we were singing Bon Jovi's "It's My Life". hehehe Good thing we were just starting to fill our bodies with alcohol that time, so we were still a little saner and the energy was still a little down coz of the sudden food we just ate.
Don and I kept singing duet songs, it was fun to hear Don sing in a low voice and me in a high voice. hehehehe What was more surprising was all the songs Don and I sang got high scores! Mwahahahahaha

12:00 AM - More booze and singing
1:00 AM - More and more booze, a riot, singing and dancing. 2 lovely cakes that says Chikinikki and Mary Palmer. I'm one of those who didn't get that Mary Palmer joke.

2:00 AM - Booze. Riot. Full volume singing. Some people are starting to leave the party also. Curfew of some people. hehehe

3:00 AM - I snuck out of the other room and went to the bedroom to get a little shuteye. hehehe My head was spinning a little and wanted to rest for awhile.
4:00 AM - I woke up. Silence from the other room, no more singing. All I heard was people talking. Hmmm... no more party 'till dawn? I went to the other room, they all said that I missed a lot while sleeping in the other room. I missed revelations and good stories. I asked them to recap everything, they didn't oblige. Now I regret going to sleep. Drunk conversations and insights are the best. hehehehe
5:00 AM - Everybody called it a night and went to bed. I wasn't sleepy coz I just slept, so TV was my only companion while everyone went to dreamland.
6:00 AM - Was getting a bit sleepy so had a little shuteye. Weird dream I was having, I was dreaming that when I woke up from my sleep the whole room was springing a leak. Drops of water everywhere. After waking up from this dream, I went back to sleep again.
7:00 AM - I had another weird dream. It was still about the hotel room. My dream now was when I woke up, the room was now full of flies!!! There were flies everywhere. Everyone in the room was in a panic. This dream really woke me up at once with my heart beating a little bit faster. Went back to sleep again.
8:00 AM - Another weird and scary dream. This one really woke me up immediately and didn't bother to go back to sleep anymore. It was still about the hotel room and the ghost or whatever it was showed up. That's all I remember. Other details about the dream was a blur. I didn't want to go back to sleep anymore so I decided pull a chair near the window and see the view of Ortigas in the early Sunday morning.
9:00 AM - Oyo woke up. We played by the window. Looking at cars and buildings. I told him to wake everybody up by patting their cheek a little and say "Wakey! Wakey!". hahahaha We had fun while he did that to Beng. But instead of patting the cheek a little. He whacked the pillow. hahahaha That's not my fault anymore. hehehehe
10:00 AM - Nikks, Oyo and I went down for breakfast. Sumptuous breakfast buffet. My favorite meal of the day. Full and satisfied. Scrambled eggs from a hotel are the best!
11:00 AM - Went back to the room to relax and tried to wake everybody up again. Oyo did the Wakey, Wakey thing again. hehehe It was hilarious. This time, I told him to wake Don up and pat him in the stomach instead of the cheek.

12:00 PM - Everyone was awake. Watched TV and did all our morning rituals. Played with Oyo, made him cry twice. But it was all an accident, we were playing by the window and jumping in the bed and he bumped his lip and back. hehehe Sowi little Oyo. Behave na daw tayo sabi ng Mom mo. hehehe
1:00 PM - We headed down for lunch. I was still full from the breakfast buffet so I just had a ripe mango shake while everyone enjoyed their meals. Oyo was getting cranky coz it was he's sleepy time at this hour and he's not sleeping. He played with all the knives and the forks at the table.

2:00 PM - We all went back to the room and prepared our things as it was time to check-out of the room. Oyo cried again. hehehe Again, not my fault.
3:00 PM - We headed home. Dropped them off to their pads. Picked up my sister in Makati. Went home. Slept.
Thanks Nikks for a weekend blast! Happy Birthday!
I will post pics tom. hehehe nakalimutan ko kasi dalhin. bangag pa kasi eh. hehehe
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