a reunion of some sort

last friday, lotsa events happened. First was the lunch doths and i had with mommy butch at banana leaf in rockwell. it's been a long time since we had a lunchout with mommy butch and the restaurant she recommended had good food. up to now, i'm still craving for that tilapia dish with creamy sauce. hhhmmm... yum! yum!
after office, our sportsfest had come to a close with the finals in badminton. we won the game and that was the end of oberthur's 2006 sportsfest. 'till next year i guess.
after our badminton game, we had another mini-reunion to go to. good thing i didn't get to sweat that much during the game because we had to go to greenbelt and meet old friends. we met our good 'ol college buddies jonki and chelle. We had a lot of stories to catch up on especially on chelle. hehehe it's been 3 years since we last saw her. lotsa things have happened in all our lives. as for jonki, we didn't meet for a movie this time but for dinner and talking, lots of talking. hehehe it was nice to see good 'ol friends and catching up on events. 'till we see each other again chelle legeza, i mean chelle orodio. hehehe *wink*wink* that's the only clue you will get. hehehehe we'll see each other again soon.
yesterday, we met up with mama sands too. the blooming buntis is happy and giggly as ever. it was great seeing you sands! more get togethers to come.
parang may kolorete ka sa mukha a. ehehe. o effect lang yon? nice pic.
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