Monday, May 15, 2006


I was watching the Oprah show last night and the topic at hand was "Stupid Girls." This is also a song that Pink wrote for her latest album, and it's about what the girls are doing now a days in America. The topic was about girls in this era of ours that are making themselves dumb, small and stupid just to get attention or be accepted. These girls are looking up to celebrities like Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson and Lindsey Lohan, that are obsessed with beauty, shopping, acting dumb, plastic surgery, anorexia and buying very, very expensive clothes and other stuff, which BTW, Pink spoofed in her video. Girls that are downgrading themselves just to be IN the crowd. Wow, I didn't even bother to look at these times of ours this way until this show pointed it out. Disappointing times we live in... Though, Oprah was quite happy that this issue is coming out now to let us be aware of what's happening, because smart ladies are really dumbing themselves out. Are women now a days really making themselves this small just to get attention? What has our world gone into?!?! Just when women are finally getting equal or maybe even higher rights as men in these times and yet here are some of them who still want to be looked down upon and let these men look at them as things.

There was also an author of a book named "Female Chauvinist Pigs" on the show and she pointed out that there are a lot of women acting like chauvinist pigs now a days too. Women in our times freely choose to be exploited, humiliated and be called hoes, whores and bitches in a normal conversation. Wow, I didn't believe it when I heard it. I guess some women have become what they didn't like before. Times a' changin' alright. The author also pointed out that these kind women have a thinking that they don't want to become their mothers who are old school feminists, that's why they do the opposite thing. That now, it's cool to have a sex tape! Another twisted thinking in our twisted world. Tsk tsk tsk... It's sad that women themselves are putting themselves down in this situation. Making themselves small to make someone big is losing your true essence.

Pink was saying that she did a survey among her friends that if they could instantly name 5 young smart women at the top of their head... Her friends said, they had to look it up thru google first before they can name one. That made me laugh, because she's right, you cannot think of any at the top of your head. But if you ask people to name 5 sexy women at the top of your head. You will have 10 names at the minimum for that. BTW, on the survey, the women mentioned were only three, Reese Witherspoon, Angelina Jolie and Natalie Portman. Sad... it didn't even reach to 5. How about you? Can you name 5? I bet yah you can name them, but it will take you 5-10 minutes to point them out. But, if I ask you to name the 5 sexiest women, you can name them in less than a minute. hehehe Am I right or am I right?

I named 5 smart women in 5 minutes, although one of them is a political figure not a celebrity and not even that young! Sheesh! HHHmmm... I wonder if that would count...


At Monday, May 15, 2006 10:09:00 PM, Blogger raz said...

oo nga no... at hindi lang yan sa america. kahit sa pinas marami na rin.


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