Friday Classics

I thought that this was going to be another CLASSIC Friday nightout. A little poker, dinner, then choose from videoke, movie, more poker or drinking session with friends. But none of those were on the agenda last night.
First one crossed off the list was poker. I got an invite from Augs to play at a certain time. But since I came to work late, I have to leave work late also. Plus, out of nowhere, an OLD college friend wanted to have dinner with Doths and me. According to her, she just suddenly had an inkling to go to Makati and have dinner with us. So, as I was torn in playing poker or meet an OLD friend(whom we rarely get to see), I couldn't decide instantly. But a poker addict as I am, I told Doths that I would just follow them for dinner after I get to play a wee bit of poker. hehehe That's how I so wanted to play.
But the poker gods wasn't on my side and the guilty feeling sunk in a little. hehehe True enough, when I got there, they were already playing. :( As a result, I didn't get to play poker. :( Ggggrrr for being late for work. I could've played a little if I didn't come in late. Oh well, at least I got to watch them play LIVE! That's still better than playing with a computer on my laptop or watching a boring poker game on TV. After the first game, which Mike turned out to be the lucky winner, there was supposed to be another game. But the only players left were me, Augs and Donish. It's boring to play threesome.. poker. Teehee.. especially if there are no new players to play with. So we wrapped up and parted ways. Everybody was planning to go home early anyway so it was really a sign for me to go see my OLD friend.
So as a lesson learned(yes, it's a lesson learned for me),I hurriedly went to meet Doths and Jonki for dinner. After dropping off Beng at Glorietta, I was off to Recipes to finally meet them. When I got there, I thought that they already started eating. To my surprise, they were still waiting for a table! So I thought this is great! I'm not late! Yey! Clappity-clap!

Anyway, we got the yummy general chicken, cripy tilapia and the gising-gising, which is a vegetable dish that was so delish! I was surprised that I liked that vegetable dish. During dinner, there were lots of talk about OLD times, OLD and new romances, OLD crushes in college who are now married and what could've been called love at first sight. The love quotes for the night came from the always hilarious Jonki, that went:
1.) GIRL(finally realizing she was falling for a guy that's not her type and stopped it before it became serious): "Oh my God! I was hit!"
2.) BOY:"Labs talga kita!"
GIRL:"Ahhh hehe"
and lastly
3.) BOY:"Pwede ba ko manligaw?"
GIRL(took a deep breath and stoically stated a memorized line):"Sorry I can't entertain your courtship."
BOY:"Ah, bakit?"
GIRL(surprised at the follow-up question):"Ah eh.. bata pa kasi ako."
Mind you, these are all true and uttered by one girl to two different guys that are NOT her type.
After dinner, I was craving for a delish ice cream so we had dessert at Cold Rock. Doths had the Cookies and Cream with additional mixes of Oreos and Soft Batch cookies. Jonki had the Aussie Vanilla Low Fat Ice Cream with an additional mix of Cookie Dough. I had the Chocolate Ferrero and the Chocolate Chipaholic Ice Cream with an additional mix of Cookie Dough. Doths had the best combination of flavors but it was too sweet. Jonki's combo was "nakaka-umay." While mine had a hint of medicinal after-taste but still good.

After dessert, it was still a little early to go home from a Friday nightout but Doths had to catch her ride home, so we called it a night and promised next time Chelle should also be there and we have to either go to Red Box or to a Comedy Bar. I'm looking forward to that and I promise no to poker on that day. hehehe Also, we need a camera or a better camera phone to clearly capture memorable moments. Hhhmmm... I wish!
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