Saturday, January 26, 2008

rest in peace

I attended a funeral today. It was our good and long time neighbor Tito Rod, whose wife is my Ninang Judith. He died rather suddenly. He was admitted to the hospital on a Thursday and died on Saturday early morning. He was just complaining about stomach pains and died because of a ruptured nerve in his abdomen.

I don't like funerals. I don't even look at the body in the casket 'coz I end up having bad dreams about it and I cry easily too. Anyway, he will be missed in our neighborhood and of course his family too. I remember, when we were kids, we called him the smoking man 'coz he was always smoking. He was very kind though. In one eulogy, they described him as a man with few words full of patience and love. Rest in peace Tito Rod.


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