Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Thought Bubble

Something I've been thinking about... In every company when you ask an old employee how he/she views the company, for sure he/she will somehow say at least one bad thing about the company and the longer that employee has stayed in the company, a long list of disappoint stories you will get. But if you ask a new employee on how he/she views the company, he/she will answer with much enthusiasm, excitement and hopes for a long career and a positive outlook for the company. Now I can say I've experienced those two scenarios already.

I guess the only lesson I got from this is, whatever you say to the person that asks you this question is to give the answer of the new employee. Because whatever you say has a bearing and it will stick to the mind of the person who asked the question.

Again, it's easy to say but really hard to actually do it. But I guess I can always try... try to make the person ask specific questions. So in the end I can say, "Hey, you asked."


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