Monday, January 09, 2006

Friday, Jan. 07, 2006, Don's pad: Was it a gimik or is it some sort of... teehee

Do you remember the saying you'll never know the importance of something in your life unless you lose it. Well, as I spend my last working days here in Enterworks, I already know what I am about to lose.. The weird, fun and controversial conversations in the pantry, the companionship and camaraderie in a team and most especially the gimik nights with friends and colleagues. This was proven on last friday's gimik I had with my colleagues. It was the most fun ever! As Don would put it.. WORD!!!! hehehe It was over-the-top because it was the first time that we had to quiet down our noise because Don's neighbor couldn't sleep so he reported the racket to security and we were given a friendly "warning". hehehe I guess some people are just really KJ on a friday night.
The extra-curricular activities in Enterworks are always extraordinary and always the best, and this is what I'll miss the most. But as a friend once told me, I can always get a new career but friends will always be friends. Who would thought that this friend of mine would have such a wise advice to me. hehehe I guess she's starting to "mature" na. hahahaha yeah right! ;-D So to my friends in Enterworks, eventhough I leave this chapter of my career behind me, the warm friendships I made will always be there. Here's to more gimiks with you guys! Well, double the gimiks I guess, since I have to go to the gimiks in my new company also. Somehow my MS Money will not be happy about this. hehehe

To New Beginnings and more Happy Times!!!

It's been a long time since I wrote here, I guess something worth writing that I need to learn something on popped out in my life. hehehe