Welcome To My Life
Monday, July 24, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest
I got to watch Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest last night. It's a great movie. No wonder it surpassed the box-office record of Spiderman ($135.6 million dollars on its opening weekend only!). Woohoo! Johnny Depp is getting another peak in his career. The action scenes involving the wheel with a three-man sword fight was executed excellently. The story is fresh and very entertaining, though the love triangle was really inevitable it still has a mystery on who Elizabeth Swann will pick as her true love.Johnny Depp and his Capt. Jack Sparrow is entertaining as ever. But I think William Turner had more action scenes than Jack Sparrow. Nice to see Elizabeth Swann do something manly rather than just play a damsel in distress character.
I think this is better than the first one and now I can't wait for the last installment. This movie will keep you hanging on to your seats up to the very end, so you will really have to catch the next one. I also read that it's final, The Rolling Stones member, Keith Richards, will make an appearance on the third one. All I can say is, nice marketing strategy. hehehe
Now, is Lady in the Water by M. Night Shamalayan worth watching in the big screen or not?
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
San Jorge (San Hor-he) Part 2
Fifth day, we went to another beach called Malahog Beach that is an hour and a half away from our place. This beach is also nice. They have clear waters and have very fine sand that have green crystals on it. But as usual when we got there, Haring Habagat was doing his work again. It was still windy that the waves are much higher than in Burabod Beach. The only difference here is they have much clearer waters, so it's swimmable. When we arrived, we headed to the water immediately even if the waves were splashing so hard. If you don't have good balance, the waves will knock you down to the shore. The aunties who came with us had a hard time standing up near the shore 'coz they were being knocked down by continuous waves. Of course to us young people, this was entertainment but all of us had a good laugh on this even the aunties. hehehe At first the oldies were afraid of the big waves. We just told them to flow with the wave and not against it and you'll enjoy the water. That's what they did and they ended up having more fun than we did. Can you believe that? hehehe The following day though the oldies complained of aches in their arms for all the swimming they did in the beach. hehehe
do you see us or the waves?
Sixth day, we climbed the bundok fronting our town, went back to Blanca Falls to cool off as the sun was finally out this time and went to see farms. In the morning, we decided to climb the bundok fronting our town. We've climbed this before during the Chistmas season and I recommend climbing it then than the rainy season. The grass were so high and so itchy that we only stayed for a couple minutes at the top. We just took pictures of the town and us too.

climb every mountain!
After climbing, off we went to Blanca Falls again. This time I drove the resident van to Blanca. While going there, we got stuck in soft mud!! I got scared when we got stuck because we were in an isolated area and it'll be a long walk if we couldn't get out of this mess. My passengers pushed the van until we got out of the hole. hehehe They ended up having fun after that and they didn't know I was scared when we got stuck. hehehe

to Blanca Falls by boat
On our way home, we stopped in a place where it was all rice fields and took home some crops. Whew! What a tiring day indeed.

Halika! Biyahe Tayo!
Seventh day, we were supposed to spend two days and a night in San Antonio Island. A four hour drive and a 20-30 minutes motor boat ride from our place. A newly discovered beach that the coral reef is so colorful and alive that you don't want to ever leave. But because of the nagging of the elders that it was unsafe to cross the seas during Habagat season on a banca, it got cancelled. Bummer talga!!! So what we did, we went beach hopping!!! hehehe We went back to Burabod beach and Malahog beach. When we got there. The seas were so calm you can actually walk it!!! Bummer!!! We all wished na sana natuloy na lang kami ng San Antonio. Wahhh!!!
At night, we had our despedida party. My Uncle invited a local that is good with a guitar and has a very soulful voice. He sang waray, english and tagalog songs that was very, very pleasing to the ears that when you hear him, you'll have goosebumps for sure. After that, it was MagicSing 'till early morning. hehehe
Eighth day, was rest day. Woke up after lunch. We just bummed around the whole day. Went around the neighborhood, bidding farewell to all cousins, aunties, uncles, nieces, nephews etc. Bought our pasalubong.
That's how my vacation went. Full of Fun, Relaxation, Adventure, Laughter and Family Bonding. I wish I could go back there every year to just relax, climb a mountain, go fishing, swim in the beaches and eat and eat and eat in every house of a relative. hehehe An adventure that should not be missed next time is going to that San Antonio Island and another island in Northern Samar where you can experience a Survivor-like atmosphere(no electricity, sleep in a tent, fish for food and swim all day), it's an extremely high priority adventure.
Halika! Biyahe Tayo!
Monday, July 17, 2006
San Jorge (San Hor-he)
I just had a blissful vacation in the hometown of my parents, San Jorge, Samar. It was nice to see the farms, the mountains, the falls, the beaches and the people in my hometown. The fresh and clean air and the billions of stars at night was a major plus. Whenever we go home to the province(which only happens every 3-4 years. Bummer!), my cousins there(which is like half the barangay hehehe) make sure that we would go on an adventure everyday to make our vacation unforgettable and fun!This time though, the weather, although not bad as in Manila was (si Florita kasi eh), was not permitting us to have much fun. It was so windy when we got there. A few rains here and there plus the howling of the wind. My Uncle Nonoy said it was because of the Habagat season. Good thing after a few days, the sky cleared up and the bright sun was out.

Blanca Falls
First day, we went to Blanca Falls which is found in a nearby town. A 30 minute rough road drive or an hour Banca ride. I've been here a few times. The only difference now is I'm with my nieces and nephews from Manila and it's there first time to come here. I also jumped the ledge of the Falls which almost drowned me(thanks to my cousin who rescued me, I survived that encounter). The first time I had the courage to jump the Falls and I ended up almost drowning. Sheesh! Good thing the kids were there to entertain us and made me forget about that, although I'm a bit proud I did something extraordinary that day. hehehe

Kids love the water, even if it's freezing cold. The water here is so cold that my Uncle narrated that a decade ago they would just put the beer or drinks in the water and the water will cool it. That's how cold the water was then. Brrrrr It's a must visit when Balikbayans visit San Jorge. It's one of the beauties found in my province.here I am about to jump

the kids enjoying the c-c-cold water

my nephew Pao and I enjoying the c-c-cold water
Second day, it was my Uncle's 70th Birthday. He's our favorite Uncle because he makes jokes a lot just like my Lolo did when we were little. It was a party from morning, night 'till the wee hours the next morning. hehehe The visitors just kept on coming. It's like the whole barangay went to party with us. The food and drinks were non-stop and some people brought plastic bags to get some extra food for their families at home. The lechon was sarap to the bones! Tsk tsk tsk

The Corrales Siblings
Oh BTW, a bit of trivia for you guys, on my Uncle's bday, there is a tradition that in the early hours of your birthday, the locals(with very very good singing voices) and your friends will organize a little choir that will "harana" you with songs until you are awaken by them, they call it "Manyanita". This is unexpected, a surprise of some sort. Only a limited of people will know that you will be given a Manyanita on your birthday so as not to spoil the surprise. What they do is while you're sleeping, these people will come up to your house and will sing songs (slow songs, birthday songs, fast songs) non-stop until you wake up and come out of your room to greet them and hear them sing some more. Nobody will wake you up. The songs they are singing will wake you up in your sleep. They will sing songs for you and even if you sleep like a log at night, they will go inside your room and sing fast and loud songs until you wake up. It's a privelege in the our town if you're given a Manyanita. It means that people around the town see you as a special person. After the songs, you treat them with breakfast. hehehe I didn't get to witness my Uncle's Manyanita, because I slept in another house where we can't hear the singing. Sayang talga! I wanted to witness this one so bad. I wish I can go back to the province during my birthday and be given a Manyanita. hehehe That would be Uber Duper Cool!
Third day, it was time for some of my cousins, nieces, nephew and brother to go back to Manila. They could only stay for a few days there. Work! Work! Work is waiting for them. hehehe Next time though they would ask for longer vacation days so they can enjoy the province more. After they left, all of us there were a bit sad. The kids were gone. Quietness prevailed. In waray, we called it "mamingaw". So instead of sulking, my Auntie suggested that we go to a nearby beach and enjoy our vacation! That's what we did. We immediately prepared food to bring to the beach and off we went. We went to Burabod Beach. It's an hour away from our place. When we got there, we were all laughing and getting a bit cold because it was soooo windy! The waves were a bit high, it's like we were going surfing instead of swimming. But instead of sulking again, we tried to enjoy the surroundings. It's still a beach anyway. We enjoyed the low tide because there were lots of shells near the beach. We went shell hunting and took lots of pictures na lang. The black sand was so fine it's like in Boracay. I wish they would develop this area, it would make a very nice resort.

let's go swimming!!! errr wag na lang pala hehehe
Fourth day, we went to Catbalogan a town that is an hour away from our place. This is where Tessie Tomas grew up and still has a house too. Our cousins, toured us around the town, we went to Imelda Park(which is being renovated), the town hall, the famous and yummy places to eat and the Pier (where my cousin said, the ship Donya Paz used to dock).

at the pier
To be Continued...
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Superman Returns 2
Watched Superman Returns again last night but this time I was with my bestbuds in college, Doths and Jonki. It's always fun going out on gimiks with Jonki. You'll always have a laugh for sure and an aching arm for all the hits she makes when she's laughing too much. heheheA different experience watching the movie again. This time I noticed the background more and minute details that didn't get my attention the first time. I still enjoyed the movie though and Brandon Routh became much more appealing to me as Superman. I hope he continues to be a nice guy like Christopher Reeve even after all the movies on Superman comes out. He's the right choice so far. But for me, it's still Tom Welling of Smallville that's PERFECT. Even the character of Erica Durance in Smallville is PERFECT as Lois Lane instead of the angelic face of Kate Bosworth. No spunk at all. Kate Bosworth is just a typical damsel in distress character much like Lana Lang. Her face onscreen is not so convincing enough to fight back Lex Luthor unlike Erica Durance's face. Oh well, Bryan Singer must have seen something in her to have that part or maybe some other reason that I don't want to mention at all.
For sure the kid in the next movie of Superman is the next target of Lex Luthor. Lex knows the kid is the son of Superman. I'm curious what powers the kid will have when he grows up and I hope the script won't be concentrated on the kid whether he chooses good and evil blah blah blah. That would be so predictable and a sure-end flop.
I'm quite disappointed that Superman didn't beat Spiderman in the earnings contest. Spiderman still has the biggest movie earnings on it's first three days. I don't think that will be beaten anymore.
Off to my next movie... Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest