A Retro Christmas in 2006

The Retro ClanChristmas with my family is full of fun and revelry. Since almost all of our relatives decided to stay until Christmas, me and my cousins decided to organize again our little Christmas party. We didn't plan on having this party this year because we were all busy with the wedding. My sister used to organize these parties, but she didn't have time this year because she's so busy with her new job.
The Sassy WomenBut, as faith would have it, we all found time to organize this special Christmas party. We first discussed the theme of our party. Two Christmases ago, our theme was formal. We all dressed up in our formal wear. Long sleeves and ties for boys. Skirts and dresses for girls. Last year, our theme was a Luau "Hawaiian" Party. We all have these colorful hawaiian shirts that my sister and Kuya Sherwin bought in Divisoria. The kids had to wear grass skirts 'coz they performed some hawaiian dances for the oldies. It was so colorful and cute.
The Groovy Men So this year, we all decided for a RETRO theme. Wherein, boys will wear thight-fitting, brightly colored, psychedelic shirts and pants. Complete with sideburns and weird looking hair. The girls will wear, short colorful dresses with big belts. The hair will be arranged like in the 60's or 70's like fly-away hair and big headbands.
The Groovy FamilyIt was so fun seeing all of us in period clothing and to think we didn't spend that much on these clothes. It was great to see our uncles and aunties laughing at us wearing what we think they wore when they were our age. We prepared a program for this small Christmas Party of ours. The kids and the youngsters prepared a dance number for the oldies to enjoy. We also prepared games for the oldies to join in. Of course, food, picture taking and gifts were plentiful. One auntie of ours even commented that this year's party was even better than last year. That's a complement that all of us cousins wanted to hear. We were so glad they enjoyed it. It was a surprise that we topped our Party last year, because we thought that one was great. But
Christmas 2006 is the best so far. Hope we can top it again in 2007.
The Groovy Family with the BalikbayansOh BTW, the performances presented were:
1.) My niece Bel and nephew Darryl, danced to the tune of Sumayaw Sumunod by VST & Co. Wherein Bel was the one leading Darryl throughout the dance. The oldies had a laugh on this.
2.) All the kids dancing to a medley of songs from the 60's to the 80's. Like songs from the Beach Boys and the Papaumamaw jingle. Everyone enjoyed there performance.
3.) Lastly, the Groovy men, danced to the tune of Katawan by Hagibis. Wherein they had an image of machomen at the start of the song, but in the end the image changed to "they like machomen". This performance got a standing ovation from everyone!

Oh yeah, after the oldies went to sleep after the party. My cousins and I played poker 'till morning; and naturally, yours truly won again. hehehe Much to the complaints of my cousins, all wanting a rematch. hehehehe I'm ready anytime anywhere my dear cousins. I'm ready anytime...

The Wedding
The Torres Family
Kuya with our ParentsThe day finally arrived for my brother to get married. At 10AM we arrived in the townhouse in Tagaytay where my whole family would be staying. Settled in and enjoyed the cool air breeze for a little bit. After getting settled, my mom, sister and I went to Shing's hotel to have our hair and makeup done. It took a long time for that to get done as they have a big entourage. After the picture taking with the bride and the whole bridal entourage, my sister and I went off to the church. Take note, I was in my dress and still driving the car! hehehe It was also getting cold and the shawl we have didn't help much with the cold. The wedding was nice, the bride and her parents almost got teary-eyed as they walked down the altar. After all, it was their only daughter/child getting married.

After the wedding, my cousins and I went back to the townhouse to get all the wines and brandy for the reception. Again, I'm still in my dress and in heels driving the car in Tagaytay! Imagine that! hehehe

When we arrived at the reception, I was in awe of the place, too bad it was already dark when we arrived. It would have been beautiful if we caught a little sunlight on the place and took pictures there.
Some of Our ClanAnyways, my brother placed all of us cousins in the last table to be called for picture taking with the couple and to get food at the buffet table. Thinking that we wouldn't mind waiting that long. We were all so hungry waiting for our table number to be called that when our number finally got called, we were teasing Kuya of the table number and how hungry we all were.
Goofing around with the BrideAfter the wedding was over, we went back to the townhouse and continued our party there. Drinking, laughters, neverending stories were exchanged up to the wee hours of the morning. That's the most fun part of weddings anyway, the after-parties. hehehe
Goofing around with the GroomAfter all the oldies finally had enough alcohol, stories and food, they went to sleep. Us, youngsters, were left with a little more booze and little bit more stories to tell. As we were getting sleepy and bored, I decided it's time that I finally taught my family to play Texas Hold'em Poker. hehehe We played 'till morning and they still can't beat Donya Soledad. bwahhahhhaaha That's me by the way, in case you didn't know.
(Trivia: That's the alias bestowed upon me by my fellow PAA(Poker Addicts Anonymous) club members during our poker days in my previous company.) hehehehe
After waking to a hangover the following mid-morning, we all finally packed our stuff and headed for home. But before going home, my cousins and I decided to have lunch first in Tagaytay. We discussed our upcoming Christmas Party on the 24th while we were enjoying our bulalo. Yummy!
Chilly Saturday
Spent my Saturday with my kuya and my future sister-in-law, Shiela. We went to Tagaytay to look at some houses that are for rent because my family(and when I say family, I mean family and relatives, and when I say relatives, I mean clan) would be staying there for their wedding.
It was a fun day spending it with the two of them. I got to know both of them a little more. I saw a more mature kuya now. It was a great day. It's starting to be a little chilly in Tagaytay even at midday so I expect a very chilly wedding for the couple.

The day was made even special when my brother treated me to a hearty lunch as a gift for my birthday. They gave me three restaurants to choose from: Antonio's, Sonya's Garden and Restorante Carlos (Sosyal ang couple, kwento ni Shiela eh they make sure that they get to eat at those restos every year). I chose Restorante Carlos because they said Sonya's food are great but has little servings, Antonio's have steaks and a lot of people have eaten there na, while Restorante Carlos have this steak and prawns dish that is so delish daw. They also said they serve spanish food. I wanted prawns and I was curious of the different Spanish food being served daw plus it's the first time I've heard of this place so I chose that.
The restaurant looked great, Shiela said that the owners themselves cook the food. The place really have a Spanish theme with the whole family crest and all. When the food arrived it was really good and have a big serving. The steak and pork tenderloin was so good and tender. The prawns were really delish and creamy! What I didn't like was the pesto pasta that goes with it, I'm not a big fan of pesto kasi. But it's still all good. I had freshly squeezed dalandan juice too. Thanks Bro! :p

me and shiela

me and bro