OCS Kick-off 2006
Day One:I had my first company outing in my new company last May 26-28, 2006. I guess I'm gonna have a lot of "firsts" here for sure as I am just starting my career here. Anyway, we went to Subic, White Rock Beach Resort. We arrived around 11 am and went directly to our rooms to freshen up. We had a weird lunch because some of the food was half-cook only. Blech!
Anyway, after that, we had our team building activities. My team, the BLUE team, was the target of all the teams because we were the overall champions in our recent sportsfest and they didn't want our team to win again. So, in the activities, we always ended up in last place. Bummer! Well, at least they thought of us as a threat, that we already have enough prizes and just give a chance to others to win na lang. Anyway, we all had fun in those activities, which was the objective and the prizes were just a bonus.

The IST Team with the bosses
After the team building activities and dinner, off to the pool we went! We went there to take pictures and play a little basketball on water with the ladies! hihihi My team won again and now the guys call me baby-shaq. Tina is the Jaworski in the group and Karen is Lebron. hehehe
After the exhausting activities and basketball match, we slept early on that friday night. Too tired to go anywhere and besides, we had no car to go out of the compound, forgot to bring my MagicSing, and there was nothing much to do as all the restos in the resort were already closed by 12am. Bummer! I really wished I brought the poker chips, we would have played all night. I missed my fellow Pokerians here. hehehe
Day Two:We woke up early and had a breakfast buffet, the food was promising.. pancakes, sausages, fish, omelette, cereals, goto, salad, muffins, cakes and fruits. Had my more than fair share here. I had a BIG breakfast. Then it was the Conference the whole day!!!!! Not much to report here but the presentations of each manager in the company. One cool thing though is that I got an Oberthur umbrella as a prize for asking the first question. hehehe Cool!!! I'm just starting in the company and I already have an umbrella!!!! Unlike.. nevermind... hehehe Now I have an umbrella from the companies that I've worked on. Hhhmmm... maybe I should start a collection... hehehehe Lots of prizes were given away, Oberthur pens (not cheap ones huh!) and hats. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, they gave away the prizes of the sportsfest and team building activities too. The GREEN team won overall champion, we were only third place. Bummer! Anyway, I still got 2 commemorative plates and a bonus cash prize for winning in badminton and placing 4th in bowling. Yippee!!!!

The BLUE team
After the conference, which was around 4 pm, we all went to the beach to take some pictures. Our french and brit bosses were asking what will we do now, we told them that we were planning to ride the banana boat and go jetskiing but it was quite expensive. To our surprise, our brit boss said he'll pay for the rent of those two for an hour! Yippee!!! So we all had to line up to take our turns in the banana boat and in the jetski. Even though it was only for a short time as we were many, it was more fun because it was free!!! Doths was shouting at me to stop being "magulo" in the banana boat as I was bouncing on it non-stop. hehehe But it's more fun that way diba?! hehehe In the jetski, I was riding with Ritche, told him to go topspeed as that was more fun in the jetski. Too bad there weren't any big waves like in Bora, we would have gone flying up and down on the jetski.
After the beach, we went to the pool and played mixed basketball again. My team lost this time but only because it was dinner time already and we wanted to eat na. hehehe During dinner, Doths told a scary story that happened in our room!!!! We ended up sleeping in the guys' room 'coz we don't want to sleep in our room that night. C-R-E-E-P-Y-!
After dinner, it was now our time to dance, jive and have fun with the house band. It was open bar so that made it more fun. hehehe Up to midnight, we just danced the night away. One good thing here was, everybody was in the dance floor dancing, even our bosses!! That was F-U-N! We were all perspiring so much after, that we enjoyed the cool breeze of the sea air. Aaaaaahhhh the beach!! I missed the dance moves of the Ephil ladies here though(u know hu u are gals hehehe), no girls were dancing that daring enough on the dance floor with the guys and I was surprised I was a little shy to go all out on the dance floor and I can't figure out why I suddenly held back a little. teehee I wasn't that "makulit" on the dance floor unlike when I'm with friends esp. at Vodka bar. Hhhmmm.. I wonder why... Maybe its because its not yet time to let them see my crazy idiot dances and choreographs that's only reserve to crazy idiots like mwah! mwaahahahahaha If I can only dance as well as my sister, maybe I would've made that dance floor a little more vellicating.. kaso hindi eh, so hanggang palakpak, pitik at jump lang ako sa gilid. hahahahaha Anyway, the guys were dance freaks more than the ladies. A lot of laugh trips there.

The C-O-O-L and Wacky IST Team
After the par-t-e-y, we didn't want to go back to our rooms because of Doths' story, but we were all exhausted and decided to just sleep our imagination off.
Day Three:Woke up to another breakfast buffet, had my more than fair share again. hehehe Very, very full. After that, some decided to tour around the place and buy some souvenirs, while some just packed their bags and prepared for check-out. We bid White Rock Goodbye and off to Zoobic Adventure we go! Going to the Zoobic Adventure is fun if it's your first time, but if you've been here before, I think it's gonna be quite a bore. We headed home after that. Looking forward to the christmas party now... mwehehehehe

The OCS team now... next year... 100 people na. hehehe
The Last Stand
I'm beginning to like my new work schedule lately (06:00 am - 03:00 pm). The only thing that bums me out is the waking up in the weeeee hours of the morning part. One fun thing though is I do get to watch the latest movies in town after work with friends and cousins who are also free. hehehe Like yesterday, I watched another movie on it's first day, X-men III: The Last Stand. The movie was Super-Duper, Uber-Duper, Ultra-Mega-Duper-Duper C-O-O-L!!! This is one of the movies that I'd watch again and again and again and again..unlike the The Da Vinci Code. Bleh!

The latest X-men movie surpasses the previous one which is rare now a days. There was one scene where all the X-men were doing their "Last Stand", I have to confess I got teary-eyed on this scene that I was laughing at myself for feeling that emotion on an action-adventure movie. hehehe It was a great and exciting feeling that I wish there were people like them around in this world of ours. This was how I also felt when I was watching the last episode of the latest season of Justice League the Animated series when Superman was fighting his strongest enemy yet; and on this episode I finally understood why Superman is the greatest superhero of all; and after watching this movie you'll know who the greatest mutant of all. hehehe
On the 2nd installment of X-men, I thought that Charles Xavier was the greatest and strongest mutant of them all. I was wrong..in the first part of the movie I thought it was the kid that has the cure for the mutant gene. I was wrong again, in the middle of the movie, again I thought it was Jean Grey a.k.a. The Phoenix was the most-greatest and most-strongest mutant of all. BUT, that was ALL WRONG..for Wolverine is the mostest-greatest and mostest-strongest mutant of them all!!!!! He is super C-O-O-L!!!! This is why a movie on Wolverine alone should be in the works in the near future.
A great appearance of mutant characters in this movie that pleased me, Beast, Kitty, Archangel, Spike and Juggernaut, although, Nightcrawler's appearance on the 2nd one is still the best. A bummer though is the characters of Rogue, Cyclops and Xavier were underutilized in this movie but that's because there was a purpose for it. Though I think it's an unfair and unequal purpose. SPOILER ALERT!!! **Do not read the next sentences if you don't want to know anything about the movie. But don't worry I'll be vague as possible.** It was unfair and unequal because no class 5 baddies died!!! The baddies were only "cured" of the mutant gene while three goodies died on the movie. The sad part about it is the deaths were caused by one of the good characters and not by a really baddie one. =(

A side note: Watch the Superman Returns trailer, it will blow you away!!! The last scene is jaw-dropping. hehehe Now, I can't wait for it to be shown here and watch it many times, well, twice maybe coz it's quite expensive at the IMAX theater in Mall of Asia, that Donish is suggesting where it'll be great to watch. Can't wait for 06.30.06!
Next movie please...
The Da Vinci Code
I watched this movie on it's first day where the crowd in the moviehouse were yuppies, amigas, fil-am teenagers and curious people thinking what's the fuss on this movie. Only a few movies come to mind that deserve a peek on it's first day and this has to be one of them. I tell ya, the movie is more fiction than the book. That's that. Now, I don't really understand what's the fuss about. The book is more believable than this movie and Ron Howard did a great job in entertaining his audience. There was even a scene where Tom said that what matters most is what you believe in.
While watching the movie though I can't help but laugh a little in every scene where Tom Hanks had his "thinking look." hehehe A little trivia for you, Ron Howard, selected Tom Hanks to play the main character because Tom has a very fascinating look whenever he is thinking on-screen. It's like Tom will make you think also. That's why on every scene in the movie that Tom has this "thinking" look, (which is several by the way) I ponder also. So watch for it. hihihi
Audrey Tatou was quite ok, although there was no chemistry between her and Tom Hanks in the movie. I feel like she's starstruck with him. Her accent and reverse driving was a major plus on her though. Alfred Molina was Doc Oc to me all throughout the movie. It's really hard to picture another character on this person when he has played a very distinct role on a blockbuster movie. Just like Jim Caviezel, he will forever be Jesus Christ to me in the movies. Paul Bettany is really a great actor. He really transforms to the character he plays in every movie he's in. I love him! Of course as usual, a great performance by Sir Ian Mckellan, who'd think that we'll be seeing him again next week for X-men III: The Last Stand. He's done a whole lotta blockbuster movies at his age. Lastly, Tom Hanks, he did justice to Robert Langdon, although I still liked Langdon's character in the book. A history buff at heart, flirting with the ladies and ruggedly handsome. But if it would be my choice on who will play Langdon in the movie, I'd choose Daniel Day Lewis.
I hope they do Angels and Demons next, that's another controversy for sure. But no matter what, my faith is still intact and that's what I will believe in forever.
Cutie Heffalump

I just L-O-V-E the latest character addition in the land of Winnie the Pooh, Heffalump!!! Isn't he a cutie!!!! He's the new version of Dumbo, only cuter. hehehe
My niece is going to HK Disneyland next week as a reward from her parents because she got two Red Eagles in two consecutive quarters in her school. Yey! We both love Heffalump so much that we've seen the movie on video at least 10 times already. I hope she remembers to bring home a big stuff toy of Heffalump for her favorite Tita!!! hehehe
I was watching the Oprah show last night and the topic at hand was "Stupid Girls." This is also a song that Pink wrote for her latest album, and it's about what the girls are doing now a days in America. The topic was about girls in this era of ours that are making themselves dumb, small and stupid just to get attention or be accepted. These girls are looking up to celebrities like Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson and Lindsey Lohan, that are obsessed with beauty, shopping, acting dumb, plastic surgery, anorexia and buying very, very expensive clothes and other stuff, which BTW, Pink spoofed in her video. Girls that are downgrading themselves just to be IN the crowd. Wow, I didn't even bother to look at these times of ours this way until this show pointed it out. Disappointing times we live in... Though, Oprah was quite happy that this issue is coming out now to let us be aware of what's happening, because smart ladies are really dumbing themselves out. Are women now a days really making themselves this small just to get attention? What has our world gone into?!?! Just when women are finally getting equal or maybe even higher rights as men in these times and yet here are some of them who still want to be looked down upon and let these men look at them as things.
There was also an author of a book named "Female Chauvinist Pigs" on the show and she pointed out that there are a lot of women acting like chauvinist pigs now a days too. Women in our times freely choose to be exploited, humiliated and be called hoes, whores and bitches in a normal conversation. Wow, I didn't believe it when I heard it. I guess some women have become what they didn't like before. Times a' changin' alright. The author also pointed out that these kind women have a thinking that they don't want to become their mothers who are old school feminists, that's why they do the opposite thing. That now, it's cool to have a sex tape! Another twisted thinking in our twisted world. Tsk tsk tsk... It's sad that women themselves are putting themselves down in this situation. Making themselves small to make someone big is losing your true essence.
Pink was saying that she did a survey among her friends that if they could instantly name 5 young smart women at the top of their head... Her friends said, they had to look it up thru google first before they can name one. That made me laugh, because she's right, you cannot think of any at the top of your head. But if you ask people to name 5 sexy women at the top of your head. You will have 10 names at the minimum for that. BTW, on the survey, the women mentioned were only three, Reese Witherspoon, Angelina Jolie and Natalie Portman. Sad... it didn't even reach to 5. How about you? Can you name 5? I bet yah you can name them, but it will take you 5-10 minutes to point them out. But, if I ask you to name the 5 sexiest women, you can name them in less than a minute. hehehe Am I right or am I right?
I named 5 smart women in 5 minutes, although one of them is a political figure not a celebrity and not even that young! Sheesh! HHHmmm... I wonder if that would count...
I can't believe that one of my favorites in the latest season of American Idol got booted out!!!! Waaaahhhh!!!!!!!
Time flies too fast
When I was about to go home yesterday, I was surprised to receive a memo from our HR that I am now a regular employee in my current company. I can't believe that it's been three months since I started here. Time surely flies when you're having fun that's for sure. It's already half of the year, my birthday and christmas season is a few blocks away already. One thing's for sure though, I will serve this company of mine even better than the way I did in my previous company. I just hope this time it will be both ways...
Summer Outing on the Other Side of the Fence
I had a blast last weekend. Nice sun. Nice beach. Great company. Great outing. Sa uulitin...
Sugod mga kapatid

Goin' to the beach tomorrow with friends in my former company. Yahoo!!! I'll be joining their company outing. hihihi My at least twice a year quota to see the beautiful beaches of the Philippines. Hope I wake up early!!! Yahhhoooooooooo!!!!!!!
Out of Commission due to Measles

Have you ever had Measles? Well, I was unlucky enough to have it twice in my lifetime. I had it when I was a kid and I was hospitalized back then. Unfortunately, I had it again last week in the scorching heat of summer. Imagine for a week having a rundown feeling, a slight fever, small red itchy rashes all over your body with a very sore, scratchy and itchy throat AND staying in a 32 degree room with nobody wanting to come near you except of course your loving mother. Hay... I didn't even know I was having the measles until our family doctor confirmed it. I thought it was just the flu, I guess it was not. It's not a good time to have the measles during the summer. It's so hot! I was so bored. I was stuck in my room from Tuesday to Saturday. Did nothing but sleep, read Reader's Digest, watch TV, watch movies, play games in my laptop and count the lines in my ceiling. I don't want to be sick like this ever again.
I even thought of questions in my head that even I can't answer yet. Here are some of them:
When do you know that you're mature?
How'd you know when you've given up or have given in?
When will I taste the delightful, yummy, mouth-watering cheezy volcano pizza of Pizza Hut?